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Charity Acknowledgements

The AWCO is pleased to be acknowledged as a Gold Donor for The FAWCO Foundation Target Projects:

Wells for Clean Water: Cambodia.

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How do I get information on the website or in the Fjord Flyer?

This article is about information sharing and announcements in AWC Media. This is different from advertising. If you wish to advertise on the website or in the Fjord Flyer, please refer to the separate FAQ article on the topic.


If you have information that you would like published on the website and/or in our newsletter, the Fjord Flyer, the best method for requesting your information be published is through email. Here are some guidelines for requesting publication:

AWC Media Publication Request Guidelines

  1. If you are requesting the information be published both on the website and in the Fjord Flyer, it is best to send one email with both the website editor and Fjord Flyer editor as recipients. This way, both editors are aware that the other editor has already been notified.

  2. To email submissions:
    use website@awcoslo.org for website material.
    use fjordflyer@awcoslo.org for newsletter material. Be sure to indicate the month's issue your material is for in the subject line.
    use both email addresses to request publication in both media.
  3. Include thorough details. Some things to consider when submitting (although every detail below might not apply):

  • A description of what this is and who or what it is for.
  • How are you involved?  Is this your business, your employer, another group you are a member of, etc.?
  • Costs involved? Donations encouraged or requested?
  • Location name and address.
  • Photographs or pictures to enhance your information.
  • Link(s) to website(s).
  • Email addresses, phone numbers, and roles of contact.
  • Dates and deadlines.
  • RSVP necessary?
  • Friends/spouses allowed?
  • Is this information more appropriate as an event on the events calendar, or an article, or both?

Please be aware there is a deadline for submissions to the Fjord Flyer. If you would like your information in next month's issue, it must be submitted by the 10th day of the current month. For example, submissions for the April issue must be received by March 10th.

Submissions for the website are not time-sensitive and can be made at any time. If you regularly contribute or request content for the website, you might want to consider becoming an official website contributing author. 

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Contact Us

American Women’s Club of Oslo

Fritzners gate 15

0264 Oslo, Norway

+47 400 42 917



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