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THE AWC SCHOLARSHIPThe American Women's Club of Oslo (AWC) focuses on fundraising throughout the year, primarily for the AWC Scholarship, a program that began in 1947. Originally proposed by Josephine Bay, wife of U.S. Ambassador Charles Ulrich Bay, the scholarship supports Norwegian students pursuing advanced studies in the United States. The first scholarship of $1,000 was awarded in 1949 to Erland Frisvold for studies in International Relations. The scholarship, now awarded every two years, has supported many, including Norway's former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. Over time, the scholarship’s focus has evolved, with preferred fields of study currently being: |
The AWC is very proud of its scholarship program as it strengthens ties between Norway and the U.S. by supporting professionals who contribute significantly to public welfare. Funds are raised through raffles, bake sales, and special events, with a goal of awarding NOK 100,000 every two years. To learn more about the next scholarship or to contribute, visit our Scholarship Announcement page or click the Donate link.